darknet markets

MGM Grand - a user-friendly market

(Updated: )

The MGM Grand is a darknet market of moderate size that has been in operation since April 10th 2021. Its recent surge in popularity can be attributed to the closure or inaccessibility of other markets. The market's records indicate that it currently accommodates 745 vendors and nearly 100,000 active buyers. The MGM Grand boasts a contemporary layout that not only exudes sophistication and user-friendliness but also mobile compatibility. This feature enables users to place orders via mobile devices equipped with a Tor browser, a rarity among darknet markets.

MGM grand darknet market user interface

MGM grand darknet market and The Idemnity fund

MGM Grand asserts the provision of an "indemnity fund" to reimburse buyers who have fallen victim to fraudulent vendors. This message is displayed during the checkout process:

"MGM Grand is the only market that offers an indemnity fund to safeguard buyers against exit scams. However, it is important to note that we are not an insurance company. While we will endeavor to compensate you to the best of our ability, exercising due diligence on your part will significantly reduce the likelihood of scams."

The veracity of the market's compensation of scammed buyers remains unverified. Nonetheless, the market appears to be vigilant in monitoring for fraudulent vendors, having reportedly eliminated over 200 such vendors in 2022.

What is available on MGM Grand

 mgm grand market product categories

At present, MGM Grand is the host of over 23,000 listings that are categorized into Fraud, Drugs, Digital Goods, Guides & Tutorials, and Miscellaneous. The Drugs category comprises the largest number of listings, which are further subcategorized into Benzos, Cannabis & Hashish, Dissociatives, Ecstasy, Opioids, Prescription, Steroids, Stimulants, Paraphernalia, and Psychedelics. It is noteworthy that the Stimulants category is the most sought-after among these, rather than the conventional marijuana-related categories. The platform offers an advanced filter that facilitates the easy search of specific products.

Handling of funds

Currently, MGM Grand solely acknowledges Bitcoin (BTC) as a valid form of cryptocurrency. However, it has come to light that the market intends to incorporate Monero at a later point in time. The market employs the conventional escrow system, necessitating the initial deposit of funds into a centrally-managed wallet prior to placing an order. Direct pay or multisig options are not available. All orders are executed through either Escrow or Finalize Early (FE), although only a select few vendors have been granted FE privileges.

MGM Grand Market Conclusion

Overall, the MGM Grand is a noteworthy darknet market that presents a distinctive amalgamation of advantages and limitations. Its "2.0" site design suggests a readiness to cater to a novel audience of mobile device users, yet it lacks several fundamental functionalities that are expected of contemporary darknet markets. These include the absence of support for XMR, Direct Pay options, and enforcement of PGP encryption. Consequently, we advise against depositing more coins on the market than is necessary to cover a single purchase, purchasing solely from experienced vendors, and always encrypting shipping information using PGP on your own, rather than relying on the market to do so.

Mgm Grand Market Details

NameMgm Grand Market
Mgm Grand Market Linkle24h23xgvgosmihojf2clfwgtmczq2t6s3cf556uq7mj3orh3n6glyd.onion.jump.black
Opened onApril 10, 2021
Supported FeaturesEscrow
Sales CategoriesCannabinoids, Dissociatives, Psychedelics, Stimulants, Counterfeit Items, Guides & Tutorials, Carded Items, Software & Malware, Security & Hosting, Cannabis
Payment Methodsbitcoin(BTC)